Creative Encounter ’11
Join me for a very cool creative retreat in northern Indiana, Creative Encounter ’11, October 28th-30th!
Join me for a very cool creative retreat in northern Indiana, Creative Encounter ’11, October 28th-30th!
A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver. Proverbs 25:11 Few things inspire me more than witnessing someone speak the right words at the right time. As a writer, I love words and their power, but it’s more than that. It seems that when someone willfully speaks up and says what’s needed in a situation, they’re stepping … Read More
The first thing I noticed when I walked out of the airport in Boise, Idaho was an unusual sweet scent in the air, kind of like marshmallows and flowers. My hosts didn’t smell it so I wondered if it was my imagination or maybe the hand soap I used in Salt Lake City. Either way, I like being greeted by a nice scent in a new … Read More
Last summer an artist friend forwarded a link for a creative conference in Asheville, NC called the Gathering of Artisans. Now, I love the mountainous, artsy area around Asheville (including the Biltmore, which my family visited several years ago as the leaves were turning) so the location already had me hooked. And the conference looked wonderful; many accomplished artists and speakers getting together in a beautiful setting … Read More
By J. Scott McElroy and Jessie Nilo Just imagine if the local church became the place in culture to experience beauty, creativity, and transcendence. Hundreds of years ago churches were, in many ways, centers for these experiences. Somehow, over time we’ve abdicated that role. Now, many churches are moving in that direction again and there’s a growing desire to begin … Read More