Thanks for purchasing the Finding Divine Inspiration Study Guide and Journal! I pray it enriches your life like it has enriched mine.
Here are your Finding Divine Inspiration printable prayer journal pages. They are designed to fit into a 8 1/2 x 11″ loose-leaf binder. You may print them for personal use as many times as you like. (Just click on the blue text to download.)
To print these pages 2-sided (front and back), first make sure your printer’s 2-sided feature is enabled on the device. Then download the FDI Prayer Journal, open it and click print. That will open the printer window. Go to the “Properties” tab and click “automatic 2-sided”. That should do it.
Just for fun, here is a what my Prayer Journal looks like.
It’s leather, with a zipper (I think it came from Brenner Luggage, which is now closed.) I put the prayer pages in the front in plastic sleeves, and punch holes in the journal pages to fill up the journal. Whenever the journal pages will no longer fit in the binder, I transfer them to an archive binder (kept in a safe place), then put new sheets in the leather binder. I think I’ve had this current leather binder for about 15 years. It’s been worth the investment. For me, the zipper is a necessity.
J. Scott McElroy