Creative Church Handbook: Releasing the Power of the Arts in Your Congregation

Welcome to the Online Extras and Resources for

The Creative Church Handbook: Releasing the Power of the Arts in Your Congregation. 

What you’ll find here is material that is helpful and important, but couldn’t be included in the specific chapters or appendix because of space constraints. Some thoughts include a reference to the specific page they would have appeared on.

For information and discussion on similar topics see The New Renaissance Arts Movement site at For questions, comments, or use permissions you may contact the author directly at: Scott (at)

Visit our website for more ideas for creativity and arts ministry in the local church!


(Click on a chapter to open its page.)

Chapter 1: A Renewal of the Arts and Creativity in the Church

Chapter 2:Ten Ways the Arts and Creativity Support the Church’s Mission.

Chapter 3: Envisioning the Arts and Creativity in Your Church

Chapter 4: How to Launch an Arts Ministry in Your Church

Chapter 5: Inspiring, Empowering, and Leading Artists in the Church

Chapter 6: Crafting a Creative Arts Community

Chapter 7: Structure for Arts Ministry

Chapter 8: Building a Creative Congregation

Chapter 9: Applications for the Arts and Creativity in Sermons

Chapter 10: Five Interactive Art Projects for Churches

Chapter 11: Live Art in the Church

Chapter 12: Dance in the Church

Chapter 13: Media, Film and Video

Chapter 14: Creating an Art Studio and Workshops to Foster Creativity

Chapter 15: Displaying Art: In the Gallery and the Sanctuary

Chapter 16: Creating Sacred Space Experiences

Chapter 17: Beyond the Church Walls

Chapter 18:  Your Church as an Arts Patron, and Working with Outside Artists

Chapter 19: Artists-in-Residence in the Church

Chapter 20: Working Around Barriers to the Arts and Creativity in Your Church